An Arcadia Trust novel.
Moments have passed for Reylan since he crossed the barrier between worlds to rescue his werewolf lover, Jorgas. But on their return, nothing feels right. Faithful allies have vanished, and places that once offered solace are now derelict, filled with shadows and inhabited by evil.
How can Reylan find his friends, and who can be trusted once they're found?
The world Reylan and Jorgas returned to has destroyed the one they left behind. In this new reality, someone is playing a deadly game with time, and their fates are its prize.
"5 Stars! Brilliant writing and amazing storytelling."
Melanie - Scattered Thoughts
and Rogue Words
"A trip through the looking glass. On acid. And it’s mind-blowingly awesome."
Lisa - The Novel Approach
"5 Stars! Wonderful!"
Linda - Paranormal Romance Guild

A wickedly subversive wit.
Jeffrey Round - Winner, 2013 Lambda Award for Gay Mystery
Christian Baines has struck gold with his debut (The Beast Without).
The Novel Approach Reviews
A writer with a bold original vision, not beholden to the limits of conventional genre tropes.
Michael Rowe, author of Enter, Night and Wild Fell
I'd pass (Puppet Boy) along to friends and mortal enemies alike.
Redfern Jon Barrett, Author of The Giddy Death of the Gays and the Strange Demise of Straights